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Donating IT Equipment: Safely, Securely and Saving the Planet

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

Providing data solutions is at the very core of what we do here at Hark. Naturally, we are a company heavily reliant on technology and over the years we have accumulated a lot of IT equipment! This was made even more apparent when we began the move of Hark Solutions HQ to Yeovil Innovation Centre where we found ourselves surrounded with IT equipment that was unused and unloved.

Amongst our core values, Hark believes in reducing the company carbon footprint wherever possible and allowing this equipment to sit in storage and slowly collect dust or end up in landfill was not an option. We felt inspired to donate the equipment and came across Resolve IT.

Resolve IT Recycling Group specialise in all aspects of technology recycling, reusing and repurposing old or unwanted electrical equipment. Their mission is to ensure the safe disposal of electronic waste and the amount of WEEE (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment) that they send to landfill is now down to zero. An incredible accomplishment!

“The UK generated the second most waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) per capita in the world in 2019, behind only Norway, according to a report published by a global e-waste grouping.” – letsrecycle

Additionally, we decided to donate our IT equipment, such as computers, monitors, telephones and keyboards to Resolve IT because they offer the recycled materials to School’s IT Programs at affordable prices. They also support communities by donating to charities who are in great need of working IT equipment.

As a Tier 3 ISO accredited business, Resolve IT has data security at its heart, which was crucially important for us working with client data. Knowing that our sensitive data would be wiped under the HMG IS5 (CESG) Standard 3 Pass meant that we could donate the equipment without any worry.

The importance of data security, not just for ourselves but for our clients, is at the forefront of our ethics. Our data software and services, including the aWorkbook and aHub, are the perfect solution to help your business with data handling in a safe and secure way, putting you ahead of your competitors.

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George Ethan
George Ethan
Mar 17, 2022

I read this post your post so nice and very informative post thanks for sharing this.

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IT Recycling

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